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The Argument from Miracles

Miracles are extraordinary acts of providence which are beyond the causal powers of natural entities.  But yet some people would discount all the testimonies of these things occurring or would want to wave them off to an ‘unknown’ source.  But the irony is that many people become Christians because they’ve been a witness to a miracle that could have only come from God.  God is the main explanation in these cases because a miracle has been done through his people or from petitioning him directly or even through God speaking directly through the Holy Spirit.

Sadly you won’t realize that genuine miracles are still occurring unless you research it.  Doctors and medical professionals have attested before to tumors and cancers disappearing, to bones and flesh healing on the spot and to limbs being able to work anew.  The unexplainable occurs but when it does it isn’t usually talked about.  Why?  Because a stigma has been created to make people feel like they must be crazy if they’ve witnessed a miracle.  And even then the supernatural explanation of God doesn’t always get more than a passing mention which is why people don’t realize how often these things are happening. 

Take someone in my church for instance: she’s been plagued with cancer and tumors and spots but after prayer time and time again these threats on her life have been lessened or completely removed.  The doctors marvel at her increasing health but when she cites that it was done by God they laugh it off.  Miracles like this don’t have another explanation (though some demonic ones do).  This is a lady with a relationship to God and she vouches for action done by the God whom she directly asked to act on her behalf. 

I’ve heard stories of missionaries in Africa who have seen a girl raised from the dead, seen supernatural deliverance of items needed and seen freakish coincidences that could have come about by no other means but their prayer.  Babies pronounced dead in the womb have come out alive, people have been truly saved before certain death.

A miracle happened to me that I’ve written about before.  My daughter was spared before she was even born when we were hit by a car on a motorbike before I even knew I was pregnant.  While it wasn’t one of those jaw-dropping miracles I still knew it was God interceding because I was prompted to pray and if I hadn’t there would have been several ways our daughter would certainly have died.  Likewise there were many stories after 9/11 of people that had been warned by God or prevented by God directly from going to the Twin Towers that day.

These things do happen and they are an incredible testimony to the validity of God but atheists shrug it off.  For the atheist, miracles are simply things they do not yet understand as they’re waiting for science to come along and tell them that God is not needed for these things to occur.  That’s great.  But the thing they are overlooking is the fact that these miracles have occurred after direct request from God.  It seems more likely therefore that God does exist and does miraculous things on occasion than God not existing and miracles to be waiting for some other explanation because people have a predisposed bias against the supernatural.

It’s just like the case with demons.  There is eyewitness testimony galore but that isn’t good enough.  All of that can be ignored because they haven’t seen it with their own eyes.  But is that reason enough to doubt that it happens?  Why do we take eyewitness testimony in courts of law but don’t apply it to the deep issues of life like whether or not demons exist or miracles occur?  The supernatural can’t always be seen by our eyes but yet there is evidence galore for it!

As a note, some ‘Faith Healers’ are opportunistic charlatans, it’s the sad truth but in a world marred by sin this is to be expected.  Yet some are legit and even still many miracles do happen in individual congregations on behalf of a pastor and church members led by God.  Sometimes churches have been started because God miraculously provided the perfect amount of money for the job.  Open your ears to the existence of miracles and you’ll find evidence aplenty for the existence of God.