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The Argument from DNA

In every cell, there is one indispensable molecule and this is DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule in the cells of living organisms which contains the assembly instructions for the molecular machinery in the cell. How the protein parts are assembled is absolutely critical for the machinery and thus the living cell to exist.  It therefore is known as one of the building blocks of life, or the blueprints to life.  These ‘assembly instructions’ constitute a precise software code written in a genetic language using a set of four nitrogenous base “letters”: A, G, C & T. (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine & Thymine).

Hence by using these four basic units called nucleotides they store immense amounts of information, and those are formed from twenty amino acids. These are like the letters of a genetic language to produce the proteins for living things.  The stored information is immense. There is a picture from 1956 of a hard drive being unloaded from a plane with a fork lift. This huge hard drive was only 5 MB, which makes you appreciate the fact that you can carry a flash drive of 128 GB in your shirt pocket and forget that it’s there. Computer memory technicians would be thrilled to have anywhere near the storage capacity of the information in one pinhead amount of DNA. If printed on books, they could stretch to the moon 500 times.

In addition to the huge storage capacity of DNA, its complexity and functions are still being discovered. It copies itself, encodes genetic material that determines what an organism will be and look like, is involved in gene regulation, self-repair and more. Decades ago when scientists took a sampling of the genome (which included DNA and more), they decided that non-coding DNA sequences were “junk” based on evolutionary biases and assumptions. Since then, the creationists who said, essentially, “not so fast, that’s not junk” were proved right.  Since we have found that other things like the ATP synthase, circular RNA and further functions of DNA have been discovered.

Now the existence of a software code that necessarily predates any life is enough to conclude that an intelligent creator must have provided the information, but there is one other interesting twist (literally!), and that is the container for that information.  A DNA molecule is completely unique from all other molecules. Its double helix design is perfectly constructed to contain the 750 meg of information in a single molecule. In fact, if the tightly twisted double helix were stretched completely out, it would be 700 feet long.

The tricky part is that this molecule could not have evolved – it predated life itself since a cell cannot be constructed without the instruction molecule.  “If proteins appeared first, so that they could eventually catalyze the formation of nucleic acids, how was the information necessary to produce the proteins themselves coded?  On the other hand, if nucleic acids came first, thereby embodying the information necessary to obtain proteins, how were acids replicated and translated into proteins?” said Dr. Massimo Pigliucci.  To dumb it down he is saying there is no way the DNA and genetic code could have evolved by chance.

Sir Fred Hoyle even called the idea of these building blocks of life arriving by chance “nonsense of a high order”.  The chances of amino acids forming by chance (which is complicated by needing the proper conditions and sequence) are so small, they are impossible. Therefore many scientists when faced with this turn to panspermia - the belief that aliens seeded life on earth - but that causes its own set of problems and has zero evidence for it.  Meanwhile the God who is the author of the Bible has numerous supernatural and prophetic evidence which gets ignored.  With chance out of the picture, DNA is a testimony of the certainty of the Creator, who has given us his self-revelation in the Bible.

And here’s the truly amazing part.  In the Bible it does not use the word DNA but it does give a hint to how humans are formed in the womb which would have been impossible to tell without our current technology.  Psalm 139 describes us as being “knit” in the womb and the Hebrew could be translated as “needlework” which is like how the DNA works – a needle that fashions all parts of our bodies together in the womb, a design that takes place stitch by stitch.  This Psalm describes the human “substance” that God individually knows, the uniqueness of each person and their unique blueprint for life stored in the DNA.

So there are two undeniable proofs of the existence of an intelligent creator in: Firstly, the genetic code itself with its specific, complex and very precise information and secondly, the incredible storage container for this code – the double helix designed DNA molecule. Both are indispensable to the living cell and both predate life itself needing a spectacular source for their origin and what better source than the one who claims to be the author of this remarkable building block of life?

— Cowboy Bob Sorensen & B Brenton