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The Argument from Martyrs

“They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”
- Revelation 12:11

Islam was spread by the sword and the blood of those who opposed Muhammad.  Christianity was also spread with the blood, the blood of the saints and martyrs willing to die the same way as their Lord and Savior did.  The persecution started with Jesus and Paul summed up the attitude of a saint - if an evil world horribly murdered our Master then we should feel honored if the same thing happens to us. 

The word martyr comes from a Greek word meaning witness, and the common usage has come from the New Testament of the Bible.  Thus there were no 'martyrs' before Christianity, it began as a Christian concept from the moment Stephen was stoned for preaching about Jesus at the beginning of the book of Acts.  Islam which came much later borrowed the concept of martyrs from Christianity (as well as many other things). 

When I believed myself to be a Wiccan, I read a lot about how supposed Christians killed witches and burnt people at the stake and all the evils done by Christians but it wasn't until I read the Bible that I saw there was a difference between the true persecuted church and the ones that spread their own agenda in the name of Jesus.  People from the beginning have used God's name to try to justify their own evil practices.  As God is love, those that spread hate in the name of Jesus don't know Him at all!  But God has a special compassion on both the poor and the martyred - "blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake" and gives a promise that those murdered out of a hatred for their witness of God will be avenged.

A book called Foxes Book of Martyrs, which is a classic, documents the beginnings of how Christianity began with the bloodshed of the faithful, especially through Rome where Christians were set alight and thrown to wild beasts for public amusement.  And it makes sense that if the world is evil, as the Bible tells us, under the rule of the wicked one Satan, that there will be opposition to the true church.  And the death toll of the true church climbs because, like with the crucifixion Jesus, the world does not know His followers either.

Today the evidence is that there are more Christian martyrs than ever. The International Society for Human Rights documents that Christians are (by far) the most persecuted religious body on the planet and 80% of all acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed at Christians. According to the Pew Forum Christian martyrs are made in 139 nations, almost three-quarters of all the countries on earth and it’s said an average of 100,000 Christians have been killed each year for the past decade.  So to put it in perspective, there are 11 Christians killed somewhere in the world every hour, seven days a week and 365 days a year, for reasons related to their faith.

Yet, these stats are changing and not for the better, but for the worse.  Open Doors does studies on the worst 50 countries for Christian persecution and has noted Christian martyr deaths around the globe doubled in 2013 with 2,123 killings, compared with 1,201 in 2012. That’s not even counting the accounts of discrimination, imprisonment, harassment, sexual assaults, and expulsion carried out in countries all over the world. 

In North Korea an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 followers of Jesus are suffering in prison camps for “crimes” such as owning a Bible, going to church, or sharing their faith.  It is reported they got the worst treatment in the country because (the same as in ancient Rome) they do not allow the worship of any other being than the Supreme Leader, who expects to be treated as a deity.  Many die of malnutrition, having to exist off insects and/or rats and have to suffer horrible tortures like being forced to drown their own children.

In Syria it is Islam or death and if Christians refuse then they can suffer the most horrible of fates.  Whole churches and villages have been burned to the ground because of the anger over those resisting the Islamic agenda.  India has also been known for this type of persecution.  Women raped, children kidnapped and men brutally killed all because they will not submit to the mighty hand of Islam.  In the African country of Eritrea Christians are sent to prisons which are described as “giant ovens baking people alive.” 

But there is another side to this, just how C.S Lewis said it was wrong to talk about human sufferings without also talking about heaven.  There is an eternal promise that makes sure these persecuted ones do not die in vain.  If it was all in vain it would be a horror upon horrors, but there is hope.  There is a witness of many who know God has heard their cries and will avenge them and give them a future.  I don’t just glibly believe it, I know it to be true, and so do the ones risking their lives for a chance of letting others know what the living, personal God means to them.