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The Argument from Miscarriage

What it is.

Miscarriage is no longer something that women have to suffer in silence with.  There are support groups and generally people care about the pain that comes with the territory of a lost baby.  Ed Sheerhan had the song Small Bump about miscarriage, which shined some light on the matter and there was a story about the devastation of miscarriage in the movie What to Expect When You're Expecting.  Millions of women around the world have experienced the pain associated with losing a baby, no matter what age that child is. And even though we know it's devastating, the Christian view gives hope and it's not some phony false hope either.

Just a day after Mother’s Day in 2014, I had a miscarriage.  I had only briefly been aware of my own pregnancy but I wanted to be sure before we told anyone.  But the baby died before we got the chance to give everyone the good news about expecting him/her.  And while the pregnancy hadn’t been planned, I was still unprepared for the emotional turmoil that came from both the pregnancy hormones and acknowledgement of the life that barely was.  If it hadn’t been for my knowledge of God’s word which promises the eternal security of children, it would have been near impossible to deal with the grief attached with what I’d experienced.

Why it’s an argument.

In a world of situational ethics and relative morality, many justify abortion (saying it’s okay if it's the mother's choice) while thinking miscarriage is horrid (it's not okay if the child dies by natural causes).  Richard Dawkins was criticized when he said that an unborn human is less human than a born pig. But if you rule out God, his statement is right.  It’s not right in that humans have so little value, but right that if you believe in the Theory of Evolution and relative morality humans have no reason to be considered to have value.

So if an infant is just human tissue and humans are just animals then why treat miscarriage (a 'natural' occurrence) like it's horrible, devastating and wrong? You might be horrified that I'd even have to ask such a question but when your own belief system devalues human beings why should anyone besides the mother and father care? Nobody has ever said to a mother that’s miscarried, “wow, you really suck at propagating the species”.  But if that’s all we’re meant to do then a mother who miscarries is a blight to society and not doing her duty.

And why should we be saddened at something that is only natural? The Bible tells us because it's not natural and that death is wrong, particularly the death of an infant. The Bible is the only worldview system that sees it as perverted because the world is under a curse that mankind's free will has unleashed. This is the reason for cruelty, for evil and for miscarriage.  It’s not God’s fault that He “allowed this to happen” but the fault of the world which we are ordered to hate for such injustices.

Miscarriage is indeed cruel, but to them who believe in survival of the fittest it must see it as natural (generally a good thing). So they must become inconsistent when they say it's not fair. They use the theory of evolution to justify the practice of abortion while think it's cruel and unfair that someone should have to suffer a miscarriage. If it's only "tissue" then what's wrong with losing it? It's not a baby in their view, so why is it wrong?

If it's tragic or if it's wrong and without God there is no real right and wrong, then there must be a reason why we see it as wrong. You can't wave it away saying: "because that's how it is".  Even if you say it is wrong, a non-Christian worldview means that your feelings on the subject don't matter an iota. What makes your subjective feelings worth anything in a world with no objective truth and in a world where (as Richard Dawkins says) we are barely worth more than pigs?

The Bible is the source that tells us why there's something special about humankind and why every life is precious. That's why the Bible has been responsible for setting slaves free, stopping racism, starting hospitals, starting charities and giving hope to those who have miscarried.

No hope can a secular world based on the evolutionary story (which has no legitimate transitional forms as evidence) give to a grieving mother, I know this personally. But we know there is immense hope for all children born and unborn that die before their time. "Let the little children come to me," said the Lord Jesus and they will be with Him forever. It's not just a fantasy. It's based on the testimony of many and the strength of the consistency in the biblical world view.

In a nutshell.
We see something perverse about the loss of a baby or child.  If perverse means ‘abnormal’, then the world should be a place where babies ideally don’t die.  This confirms the biblical story that something went wrong after creation and we were meant to live in a perfect world.