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The Good News

The Good News



1.      (God’s love). “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” (Genesis 1:1). The Creator God is all powerful and merely spoke and the universe came into existence, but he also loves you as an individual. He made Adam and Eve on day 6 of creation as the pinnacle of his creation, in order that we could know His love and have a relationship with Him. In the beginning everything was perfect and there was no sickness or death. Adam and Eve lived in perfect harmony with God and the creation that God made.

2.        (Sin / Bad news). Unfortunately Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God. They disobeyed God and chose to eat from the forbidden tree. As a result creation fell from its original perfection and death and suffering came into the world. Humanity became separated from God. This bad news is known as ‘the Fall’.  God gave us free will because he wants us to freely love him. Ever since Adam and Eve’s first rebellion all of humanity have been doing the same thing – rebelling against God and sinning. Like Adam and Eve we too hide from God. 

When we break God’s rules we are sinning.
God’s rules include the  10 commandments. (Exodus 20)
E.g. You shall not steal – ever stolen anything? (This includes things like downloading music illegally from the internet).
You shall not murder – Jesus said that anger and hatred are murder at heart. Ever gotten angry with anyone?
You shall not commit adultery – Jesus said that lust is adultery of the heart. Ever lusted?
That’s only 3 of the 10 commandments. If God judged you by that standard would you be innocent or guilty? God is a just God and must punish sin.


3.       (The Cross / Good news) – Because God loves us so much he wants us to be reconciled with Him, he sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. This satisfied the need for justice to be done, and at the same time showed us his great love for us. Through the sacrifice of Jesus the debt has been paid. (John 3:16)
4.     ?  (Question) The ball is in your court now. It’s not enough just to believe in Jesus or believe in God. Satan and the demons believe in God, and tremble. (James 2:19). You need to repent and receive Jesus and trust in him as your Lord and Saviour. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, and trying to be a good person can’t save you.

Repentance means to change your thinking. It means to turn away from everything you know is wrong and to trust in God. It means to stop seeing yourself as the authority for your reasoning and to accept the biblical God as Lord of your reasoning. 

If you have been denying God I urge you to go to God in prayer and beg him for repentance. He will not turn you away.

Get a Bible and read it every day. It’s also important to find a good Bible believing church (and definitely not a cult, see a list of cults here). 

If you have questions or God has touched your life I’d love to hear from you. You can contact me at

- Brendan Larsen